Sopley Mill Wedding Photographer
Congratulations to David & Leanne who Married at Sopley Mill in Christchurch.
What a fun wedding that was! Guests (and Leanne) up on the chairs singing, dancing & cheering. That was at 5pm!
The Wedding Day started earlier with Leanne getting ready with her Bridesmaids and Mum at the Mill itself. Even at this stage the room was buzzing – the girls were all so excited.
I left them to head off to the local pub – not for a drink I hasten to add – but to catch up with the Groom and two coach loads of guests.
The landlord was as keen to see the coaches arrive as I was, but as the time ticked slowly towards the ceremony I left the pub to head back to the Mill –the pub staff looked a touch disappointed but when you have a coach load of Lancastrians on a tour of Christchurch what are you to do!
I got back to Leanne and the Bridesmaids just as they ere beginning to get into their dresses. Just then a very sharp and smart looking David arrived beaming with glee. Phew they’re here I thought!
Now when I met David and Leanne a year or so before their wedding the plan was that Leanne was going to arrive at Sopley Church in her Dad’s car. Dad had duly held up his end of the plan and had ordered a new car so his daughter could travel in style!!
Unfortunately Dad wasn’t on the memo that came six months later that said the preparation venue had changed – to Sopley Mill itself – some 30 meters away from the Church.
Leanne jumped into the car with her Dad 15 seconds later out they got – now for the record Dad the car did look great!
A beautiful moment between Leanne and her Dad at the Church door – when they gave each other a look – everything said without needing words.
The ceremony was conducted in a friendly manner by the Vicar which certainly relaxed everyone. Afterwards the celebrations began with hugs, confetti, a walk down to the Mill – drinks and canapés. Tony from Beales Gourmet was busily cooking outdoors on the BBQ. Guests from afar (everyone expect the David and Leanne) were admiring the beautiful venue and surroundings. On a perfect April spring day.
Skip forwards to the meal and speeches…… I was one floor down at one point and it was so noisy! At the same time one of the Uncles (I think) was buying a tray of shots for his table – brilliant. This wedding was rocking.
After 1 hr and 18 minutes of speeches including slide shows, table dancing and singing, violin playing, the evening guests arrival, the packages under the table, the shots of Port taken out of egg cups they were done – wow!
The only part of the day left dancing singing and partying – oh hold on they were doing that at 5pm……..
David and Leanne such a memorable, enjoyable, Blackpool, friendly and fun day to remember – it was a blast
Here are your Sopley Mill wedding photographs which I hope capture those magical moments as you remember them.
Big congratulations to David & Leanne
Here is your photo blog